The act requires contracts between insurers or other persons and health-care providers regarding the delivery of health-care services to include a provision that prohibits the following actions if the actions are based solely on the health-care provider's provision of, 或协助提供, 本州的生殖保健或性别确认保健服务(受法律保护的保健活动), 只要提供的护理不违反科罗拉多州的法律:

  • 医疗事故保险公司拒绝签发, 取消或终止, 拒绝续签, 或者实施任何制裁, 罚款, 处罚, 或提高医疗事故保单的费率(第2条);
  • 健康保险公司不得对医疗保健提供者采取不利行动, 包括拒绝支付所提供的保健服务(第3条);
  • A health insurer from refusing to credential a physician as a network provider or terminating a physician's status as a network provider (section 4); or

个人或实体不得终止与保健提供者签订的保健合同, unless the person or entity is a religious organization and legally protected health-care activities conflict with the religious organization's bona fide religious beliefs and practices (section 25).

该法第5条保护申请执照的个人, 认证, 或在科罗拉多州的医疗保健相关专业或职业注册(申请人), 以及目前有执照的医疗保健专业人员, 认证, 或在科罗拉多州注册(被许可人), 从获得许可开始, 认证, 或仅根据以下理由拒绝注册或对持牌人施加纪律处分:

  • 申请人或被许可人提供的, 或协助提供, 在本州或另一州或美国领土上受法律保护的保健活动, 只要提供的护理符合科罗拉多州法律下普遍接受的实践标准,并且没有违反科罗拉多州法律;
  • 的规定引起的民事或刑事判决或专业纪律处分, 或协助提供, 在本州或另一州或美国领土上受法律保护的保健活动, 只要提供的护理符合科罗拉多州法律下普遍接受的实践标准,并且没有违反科罗拉多州法律;
  • The applicant's or licensee's own personal effort to seek or engage in 受法律保护的保健活动; or
  • A civil or criminal judgment against the applicant or licensee arising from the individual's own personal legally protected health-care activity in this state or another state or United States territory.

该法第6条禁止法院, 审判人员, 法院的员工, or attorney from issuing a subpoena in connection with a proceeding in another state concerning an individual who accesses 受法律保护的保健活动 in Colorado or an individual who performs, 次助攻, 或在科罗拉多州协助从事受法律保护的保健活动.

Section 7 of the act prohibits the state from applying another state's law to a case or controversy heard in Colorado state court or giving any force or effect to any judgment issued without personal jurisdiction or due process or to any judgment that is penal in nature pursuant to another state's law if the other state's law authorizes a person to bring a civil action against another person or entity for engaging or attempting to engage in 受法律保护的保健活动.

如果在本州针对本州或另一州监管的医疗保健提供者提起医疗事故诉讼, section 8 of the act prohibits a court or arbitrator from allowing evidence or witness testimony relating to professional discipline or criminal or civil charges in this state or another state concerning the provision of, 或协助提供, 受法律保护的保健活动, 只要提供的护理不违反科罗拉多州法律.

Section 9 of the act prohibits a peace officer from knowingly arresting or participating in the arrest of any person who engages in 受法律保护的保健活动, 除非构成逮捕依据的行为在科罗拉多州构成刑事犯罪或违反科罗拉多州法律.

Section 10 of the act prohibits the issuance of a search warrant to search for and seize any property that relates to an investigation into 受法律保护的保健活动.

该法第11条禁止法官在起诉尚未结束的案件中发出传票, 或者当大陪审团调查已经开始或即将开始时, for a criminal violation of another state's law involving the provision or receipt of or assistance with accessing 受法律保护的保健活动 that is legal in Colorado, 除非构成起诉或调查基础的行为在科罗拉多州也构成刑事犯罪.

该法第12条禁止为获取任何电报而发出单方面的窃听或窃听命令, 口服, 或与调查受法律保护的医疗保健活动有关的电子通信.

Current law allows for the extradition of a person who committed an act in this state that intentionally results in a crime in the state whose executive authority is making the demand, 即使被告在犯罪时没有处于要求状态. Section 13 of the act requires the acts for which extradition is sought to be punishable by the laws of this state if the acts occurred in this state and prohibits the governor from surrendering a person charged in another state as a result of the person engaging in 受法律保护的保健活动, unless the executive authority of the demanding state alleges in writing that the accused was physically present in the demanding state at the time of the commission of the alleged offense.

该法第14条要求惩教设施或私人合同监狱监禁有怀孕能力的人, 不管这个人的支付能力如何, ensure access to abortions by providing a pregnant person with information about abortion providers; referrals to community-based providers of abortions; referrals to community-based organizations that help people pay for abortions; and transportation to access an abortion; and ensure access to miscarriage management, 包括药物治疗.

Section 15 of the act adds a reproductive health-care services worker to the list of protected persons whose personal information may be withheld from the internet if the protected person believes dissemination of such information poses an imminent and serious threat to the protected person or the safety of the protected person's immediate family.

Section 16 of the act prohibits the prosecution or investigation of a licensed health-care provider if the health-care provider prescribes an abortifacient to a patient and the patient ingests the abortifacient in another state so long as the abortifacient is prescribed or administered consistent with accepted standards of practice under Colorado law and does not violate Colorado law.



Section 22 of the act prohibits a state agency from providing any information or using any government resources in furtherance of any out-of-state investigation or proceeding seeking to impose civil or criminal liability or professional sanction upon a person or entity for engaging in 受法律保护的保健活动.


  • 限制自然人、法人履行的, 或禁止任何自然人或法人提供, 通过发放许可证来提供生殖保健, 允许, 认证, or similar legislative or regulatory requirements that apply solely to providers of reproductive health care; or
  • 起诉或以其他刑事制裁任何自然人或法人提供, 协助提供的协助提供的, 安排, 或以其他方式协助某人获得在适用的专业执照和认证要求范围内提供的生殖保健服务.


Section 26 and 27 of the act require every local government that has adopted or adopts a zoning ordinance to recognize the provision of outpatient reproductive health care as a permitted use in any zone in which the provision of general outpatient health care is recognized as a permitted use.


J. 冈萨雷斯,年代. 贾克斯·刘易斯,m.s. Froelich B. Titone






